Thursday, September 04, 2008


After months of blues, last tuesday was probably the best day. Well it was perfect actually. Everything was going like amazingly smoooth. I had one of the best times in school, especially in class. I have to admit i loovee my class! Even though it's not as loud and haha-screaming as last year's but i'm starting to gain a lot of love for this one. We're making this play and it's really exciting :*D
the elmo is yapto's
OH OH! Guess what folks, I think i'm buying a new phone teeheee. Sorry for being (kinda) giddy but it just flips the hell out of me. I'm friggin bored about my old phone. Can't even see it's groolness. But this time I have to use my own money. My parents want me to appreciate the value of money, sigh. But it made me feel sorta... growing up wakaka

Today me and clarine are reaally pissed off, thanks to mr_ _ _ _ _
Today the dweeb was treating me NICE. Ha! Good one.
Yesterday 5W1H had a dream about.... the usual

ooh la la~ :0

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